Saturday, March 5, 2011


Title: Rules
Author: Cynthia Lord
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Summary: Catherine, a twelve year old girl, creates rules for her autistic brother David. While Catherine knows that babysitting David will not be easy to do all summer, she never expects what happens. Catherine accompanies her mother and David to the doctor's office on a normal basis. Little did Catherine know that she would meet a young boy, Jason, at the office and become best friends with him. Catherine struggles with presenting Jason, a wheel-chair bound young boy, and David to her other friends for fear of embarassment.
How to use: I really enjoyed the message that this book presented to readers through Catherine's story. It would be great to read as a read aloud to a class who may not be accepting of others. In addition, I would ask the students to construct a character analysis using Rules. Each character is different which will provide students with a large amount of issues to disucuss.

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