Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Flute Player: An Apache Folktale

Title: The Flute Player
Author: Michael Lacapa
Genre: Multicultural Literature
Summary: This retold Apache Folktale is an old love story about a flute player. The flute player falls in love with a young girl, from another village, at a social dance. The girl discovers that she loves listening to the boy playing his flute each morning by the river in the canyon. After the girl stops hearing the boy playing his flute, she becomes ill and passes away. The young boy returns from his hunting trip and know that his love is no longer waiting to hear him. Once the boy finds out about his love passing, he goes to play the flute at her graveside.

How to use: Folktales are great resources to use in the classroom. They allow students to see a different side of history. This Apache Folktale would be a great tool to use as a read-aloud during a Native American unit. To further the use of this book, many elementary students learn to play recorders in music. This folktale would also be a great encouragement for students who are doing so.

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